A writer writing and sipping coffee - Standing on the corner watching people go by
For a thousand years, writers have been sitting in coffee shops (and bars) writing stories. This morning, I am loitering on a street corner, in front of Starbucks, sipping my coffee. I watch a sea of humanity stream out of the Metro train station across the street into the courtyard. So many people. The stream comes in waves lasting two minutes or so. It’s as if the train has an upset stomach and is heaving up people. The first thing I notice is everyone pulls out their cell phone as they emerge from underground into the sunshine. They walk on staring at the little screen, Gotta check for messages just in case it's the end of the world and I must save it, like the teen-age girl always does in those alien invasion disaster movies. A pair of blonde women emerge. They are holding hands. They are pretty and dressed in professional light grey suits and white blouses. Finance banker types, if you ask me. They kiss, much lip touching and a full length body closeness that comes w...