Anyone who has read a blog or a Facebook post has probably seen the word "Welp." There are still a few people who don't know what it means, so let me expound. First things first: The word is not "whelp." Whelp refers to birthing puppies. This generally has nothing to do with puppies, unless your intent is to post the following announcement: "Whelp, the neighbor's unspayed dog just gave birth to another litter of puppies under our porch." In that case, I suppose "whelp" would get a pass. But it's actually "Welp." Great, so what does it mean? Let's start with an example of a conversation with some words nearly everyone is familiar with. You: Are you going back to work today? Me: No . Contrast that with: You: Are you going back to work today? Me: Nope . "No," in the first instance, could possibly be interpreted as "No, I'm sorry, I know you'd like me to but I'd really prefer not to, and I...