It's official. People are SLOBS.
I recently have had occasion to visit people in their homes. They don't always invite me in, which is fine. But when they do, I'm seriously shocked. This is not an "upscale" part of town, for the most part. I'm far from the only person in my Zip code to occupy a mobile home. There's an abundance of communities like mine, within a mile or two. The alternative is what used to be called "tract housing" - it sits on a foundation but otherwise is very similar to a manufactured home. I often agonize over the exterior of my home - our beloved Porch Kitties know little about hygiene or housekeeping, and as a result, we have a few too many flies out there, and some unappetizing smells when the wind and humidity are just so. We fortunately don't get many visitors so there aren't many moments of embarrassment. And a complete overhaul should begin next week to install a nice ramp, remove the crumbling steps and close off access to under the porch once a...